
First Lesson

An in-depth explanation of how and why this method works, followed by work on the three foundational drills.

All family members highly encouraged to attend.

Price: $150.00

Duration: 2 hours

Follow Up Lessons

You can partake in as many or as few follow up lessons as you want or need. This lesson will be focused on making sure you feel confident in completing the drills at home, and increasing the level of difficulty.

Price: $85.00

Duration: 1 hour

Training Walks

To help get your dog out of recess, I will take your dog for a structured training walk. My focus will be on engaging and working your dog rather than going for a certain distance. First lesson encouraged before this but not required.

10 dollars off when a first lesson is completed prior.

45 min: $45

60 min: $60

Walking Services

Typical walks with your dog, on-leash

30 min walk: $20

45 min walk: $25

60 min walk: $30